Mushroom Society of India (MSI) was established in August 1990 at National Centre for Mushroom Research and Training (NCMRT) Solan (Now ICAR-Directorate of Mushroom Research) with 10 founder members. The society was registered under society registration Act 1860 vide No.60/91 dated 21.05.1991 at Solan (HP).
The major objectives of the society were :
To bring mushroom researchers, development workers, growers and other stake-holders together for dissemination of scientific information
To bring out a Mushroom Journal
To organize periodic Symposia and
To promote commercial mushroom cultivation
To meet these objectives various mushroom stakeholders were encouraged to become members At present the society has over 700 life members (including 46 patron members). The society has been publishing Mushroom research biannually since 1992; society has been regularly organising the conferences and brain storming sessions with the primary objective of sharing knowledge and promote mushroom cultivation in the country. Society has been changing with time and since 2015 it has opted to put journal online with free access and all the issues (current and archives) are available on the link
It is peer peer-reviewed Journal and has an NAAS rating of 5.33 (2024). S.No 2126. JrnID M120 ISSN 0972-4885.
Journal is registered by DOI systems. It is listed in Indian citation Index and UGC care list. The journal is also indexed in CABI, Google scholar, International Society for Research Activity (ISRA), Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) (USA), Agricola (USA).
Authors can submit papers using the above link. There is no publication fee. However, one of the author should be member of the society. To become member please click on the menu tab ‘Become a Member’ and then click on membership form from pull down menu. Please see the menu ‘Instructions for Authors’ for more information for submitting the research paper.